Range Water-repellent / Oil-repellent

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Find all SCALP products for the building, industry and transport sectors.

Our products are formulated, developed and manufactured according to precise and strict specifications in order to always offer you the best, whether in terms of efficiency or reliability. Our products meet the needs of professionals in the construction, industry and transport sectors thanks to our complete ranges.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Ready-to-use coloured water repellent

    SCALP HYDROCOLOR PAE is a ready-to-use colored water repellent. This innovative product renovates and protects roofs and facades. It can be used to waterproof, protect and renovate roofs and facades by coloring them. Water-repellent, it protects treated surfaces from water infiltration and staining, and prevents urban soiling, micro-organism formation and freeze/thaw disintegration. SCALP HYDROCOLOR PAE impregnates and tints the surface, while maintaining its mineral appearance. It has been specially designed for application on concrete, hydraulic plaster, mineral plaster, stone, brick, all types of tile, slate, etc.

    Available in 4 shades "ARDOISE, GRIS ANTHRACITE, TERRE DE SIENNE, ROUGE BRIQUE", SCALP HYDROCOLOR PAE is a versatile, high-end product.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Colorless stain for concrete

    SCALP ACRYL BETON effectively protects new and old concrete against water and oil infiltration, stains and dirt. This non-film-forming product offers long-lasting protection against the causes of deterioration such as stains and dirt of all kinds, atmospheric pollution, seepage, grease, etc. This colorless concrete stain ensures cleanliness of treated surfaces.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Water repellent for porous surfaces

    A silicifying and waterproofing agent for permanently solid surfaces, SCALP ANTI-POUSSIÈRE blocks the penetration of water and moisture. It is also permeable to water vapour. SCALP ANTI-POUSSIERE therefore penetrates deep into the substrate and, in combination with the mineral elements, forms a vapour-permeable, highly abrasion-resistant siliceous structure.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Silicone water repellent for blue stone

    AQUAFUGE 18, protection hydrofuge pour les murs et façades en pierre calcaire, pierre bleue, béton, ciment, fibrociment, chaux, ect. Cet hydrofuge, idéal pour la pierre bleue, offre une protection efficace et durable contre l’encrassement des surfaces et le développement de micro-organismes.
    AQUAFUGE 18 est un hydrofuge transparent spécial pour pierre bleue qui pénètre rapidement et facilement les pores des matériaux, préservant ainsi leur aspect d’origine. Il peut même être appliqué sur des surfaces légèrement humides.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Waterproofing impregnation with pearl effect

    SCALPFUGE 35 is a transparent roof and façade water repellent offering optimum protection. This impregnating water repellent for roofs and facades can be applied to a variety of substrates, including stone, brick, concrete, lime render, hydraulic render, tiles and marble. This transparent, non-film-forming product is ideal for finishing or renovation. SCALPFUGE 35 preserves the natural appearance of materials and effectively protects roofs, facades and exterior walls against rainwater infiltration.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Colourless water and oil repellent protection

    SCALP ANTI-TACHES 07 est un hydrofuge transparent idéal pour les terrasses et sols poreux. Ce produit d’imprégnation incolore non filmogène est spécialement conçu pour prévenir la pénétration de liquides tels que l’eau, le vin, le café, le tanin, l’huile, la graisse, et plus encore, sur une variété de surfaces poreuses. SCALP ANTI TACHES 07 offre une protection optimale aux terrasses et sols poreux.
    Cet hydrofuge, labellisé EXCELL ZONE VERTE, convient parfaitement pour la protection de matériaux poreux tels que la pierre, le marbre, le grès, le granit, les pavés auto-bloquants, la terre cuite, et même le bois. Que ce soit pour une nouvelle construction, une rénovation, ou après un nettoyage, cet hydrofuge préserve durablement les trottoirs, zones piétonnes, terrasses, plages de piscine, escaliers, et bien plus encore.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Solvent-based, non-silicone water repellent

    SCALPFUGE OM 70 is a solvent-based, silicone-free waterproofer, with a very pronounced beading effect, that contains organometallic compounds. It protects façades against rainwater ingress. SCALPFUGE OM 70, organometallic waterproofer, is applied to substrates like stone, plaster, hydraulic coating, cement, concrete, brick, marble, tile, slate and fibrocement. Once applied, this silicone-free waterproofer does not alter the appearance of the surface. It easily and rapidly impregnates the pores of materials.


  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Colorless water repellent for interior coatings

    SCALP PROTECT ENDUIT DECO is a colourless waterproofer for indoor coatings. This is a solvent-free, odourless and invisible protection against spilt liquids, like water, oil, coffee, wine etc. This waterproofer helps your decorative coatings retain their beauty and prevents them from being damaged with time and from various liquid spills.

    Once applied, SCALP PROTECT ENDUIT DECO will not alter the appearance of the surface. It easily and rapidly impregnates interior-finish coatings and prevents the soiling of surfaces.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Water-repelling, mineralising and stain-resisting tinted

    SCALPFUGE COLOR is a colored water repellent that revives your roofs, facades and floors. Available in 11 shades, this mineralizing and stain-resistant colored water repellent protects surfaces against water infiltration and stains.
    Mineralizing and consolidating, SCALPFUGE COLOR impregnates the surface, tinting and consolidating it for a reinforced support. It's ideal for use on concrete, tiles, slate, interlocking paving stones, etc.

    Choose from 11 shades: WHITE, PEARL GRAY, ANTHRACITE, ECRU, OCHRE, TERRE DE SIENNE, ROUGE ORIENTAL, ROUGE BRIQUE, ROUGE FEU, ARDOISE, and INCOLORE "EFFET MOUILLÉ", for long-lasting, effective color protection.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Curative and preventive injection product

    Traitement efficace pour combattre l’humidité et les remontées capillaires. SCALP HYDROGEL est un hydrofuge d’injection curatif et préventif. Sans solvant et sans odeur, ce produit d’injection prévient la formation de salpêtre, de cloques et de décollements des enduits. Efficace sur tous types de matériaux : brique, béton, parpaing, etc.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Colored waterproofing for roofs

    SCALP WATERPROOF ROOFTOP is a paint with pure acrylic resins for asbestos cement rooftops. It is used to waterproof, protect, restore and tint rooftops made of artificial slate, fibre cement components, asbestos cement etc. It can also be used to paint concrete and cement surfaces.

  • Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
    Curative and preventive injection waterproofing

    SCALPFUGE 32 is an injection product used for damp proofing treatment of porous building materials and for the treatment of capillary rising damp.

Our water and oil repellent category includes a wide range of professional products to effectively protect your walls, façades, floors, terraces and roofs.  Each product is manufactured with specific characteristics to best meet each need.  Nos produits hydrofugeants sont conçus pour rendre les surfaces et supports résistants à l’eau et à l’humidité. En effet, les hydrofuges SCALP permettent de créer une barrière protectrice qui empêche l’eau de pénétrer dans les pores de la surface une fois appliqués. Cela empêche ainsi de détériorer ou de rendre vulnérable la surface. Une barrière protectrice et étanche se forme donc sur la surface traitée.   It is important to apply this type of product to protect building materials such as brick, tile, concrete walls and roofing from water damage. Our oil repellent products prevent greasy and oily liquids (oil, grease, fuel, etc.) from infiltrating the surfaces. These products protect surfaces against stains and facilitate their cleaning. Indeed, they penetrate the surface to be treated and create a protective barrier against oily and greasy liquids.  Mais avant de traiter un support à l’aide d’un hydrofuge ou d’un oléofuge, que ce soit une façade, un sol ou une toiture, il est important de le nettoyer soigneusement pour éliminer les saletés, dépôts verdâtres et lichens pouvant empêcher l’adhérence du produit. Ces deux types de produits peuvent s’appliquer à l’aide d’un pulvérisateur manuel, d’un pinceau ou d’un rouleau. Imperméabiliser un support permet de prolonger sa durée de vie et de le protéger contre les dommages causés par l’eau ou autre liquide.  Find here a complete range of professional water and oil repellents with various characteristics to best meet your needs (water repellent with pearl effect, film-forming water repellent, colorless water repellent, tinted water repellent, oil repellent...).

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