Range Cleaner

The nouveautés

Our Product

Find all SCALP products for the building, industry and transport sectors.

Our products are formulated, developed and manufactured according to precise and strict specifications in order to always offer you the best, whether in terms of efficiency or reliability. Our products meet the needs of professionals in the construction, industry and transport sectors thanks to our complete ranges.

  • Cleaner
    No-rinse facade cleaner

    SCALP FACANET PAE is a powerful no-rinse cleaner designed to scrub and clean facades, roofs, walls and outdoor floors. It is specially formulated to remove deposits associated with urban air pollution, such as soot, dust and fine particles, as well as red, black and green dirt. Versatile, SCALP FACANET PAE is suitable for a wide variety of surfaces, including stone, brick, cement, concrete, fibre cement and hydraulic and organic plasters. This cleaner restores the original appearance of exterior materials in depth while preserving them, thus extending their lifespan.

  • EKO'R RangeCleaner
    Enzyme-based cleaner

    New-generation enzymatic cleaner ideal for maintaining facades, roofs, walls and outdoor floors. Non-corrosive, it uses the synergy between bacteria and enzymes to eliminate organic matter present in the urban environment. Formulated without aggressive chemicals, NET ENZYME EKO'R contains no soda, acid or solvents. It ensures professional quality and optimized performance.

    With its innovative enzyme- and bacteria-based formula, NET ENZYME EKO'R provides in-depth curative action. It provides long-lasting descaling that keeps your surfaces clean for years.

  • Cleaner
    Elastic cleaning paste

    SCALPNET PEELING is ideal for cleaning various dirt deposits (dust, earth deposits, smoke, soot, etc.). This cleaning paste is also effective in removing surface stains of soot and dust present in the material due to humidity.

  • Cleaner
    Stone facade cleaner

    SCALP PIERRE AQUA 89 cleans stone facades quickly and easily. This facade cleaner removes localized air pollution and other dirt. This descaling product is effective on a wide variety of surfaces such as stone, marble, concrete, roughcast, washed gravel, painted surfaces, organic coatings, RPE, RSE, etc...



  • Cleaner
    Powerful cleaner for calcareous surfaces

    SCALP DMC 73, limestone and mineral façade cleaner, removes grime and cleans limestone and mineral surfaces like stone, marble and those with a hydraulic coating, that have become soiled by urban pollution originating from the air.

  • Cleaner
    Brick facade cleaner

    SCALPNET AQUA 37 is a thixotropic gel cleaner for brick facades. It removes black atmospheric soiling from all mineral or silica-laden surfaces. This facade cleaner is ideal for brick facades. SCALPNET AQUA 37 is particularly recommended for cleaning fragile materials such as brick, concrete, porcelain, stoneware and glass paste. This brick facade cleaner is ideal for wash-down jobs where environmental constraints are important. Environmentally-friendly, SCALPNET AQUA 37 is perfect for cleaning brick facades in high-traffic areas.


  • Cleaner
    Detergent for brick facades

    SCALP NETTOYANT FAÇADE 2, ultra-powerful brick-façade cleaner, effectively cleans and removes dirt from brick, sandstone, ceramic, pâte de verre kiln-cast glass, all types of concrete and pea-gravel façades. It is specially formulated for cleaning materials with a high silica content. This brick-façade dirt remover quickly removes air pollution and other soiling linked to urban pollution.

  • Cleaner
    Multi-purpose facade cleaner

    Multi-purpose facade cleaner, SCALP PRONET cleans and degreases facades and exterior walls before repainting or applying protection. This in-depth cleaner removes all types of dirt from cladding, PVC, facades, walls, floors, etc. Versatile, SCALP PRONET can be used both indoors and outdoors.

  • Cleaner
    Facade cleaner and descaler

    SCALP RENOV'EXPRESS is a super facade cleaner as well as an excellent descaler and renovator with rapid, long-lasting action. It cleans all types of dirt on facades, roofs, floors and exterior walls. This cleaning product can be applied to all types of thick and semi-thick plastic coatings (organic, mineral, hydraulic or lime-based). It is therefore perfect for renovating stone, brick, cement, fibrocement, concrete, slate, tile and other substrates. Results are visible from 2 hours!

  • Cleaner
    Professional degreaser and cleaner for metal surfaces

    DEROX 320 is a professional degreaser and etch for metal surfaces. This highly-concentrated product cleans, degreases and etches aluminium, zinc and galvanised steel. It creates a clinging base before painting, which helps eliminate slag and avoid the risk of lifting, blistering or peeling of paint.

  • CleanerPassivator
    Corrosion inhibitor and phosphatizer

    SCALPINOX D is an excellent cleaner, degreaser, passivator and phosphating rust remover for aluminium. It is also used in phosphating projects, like the dip bath treatment of rust marks. SCALPINOX D helps create good adhesion prior to painting. In addition, this cleaner is recommended for the cleaning of anodised-aluminium joinery and window frames.

  • Cleaner
    Universal no-rinse cleaner and degreaser

    A concentrated, no-rinse universal cleaner, SCALP AQUA 03 cleans, degreases and lyes all synthetic surfaces encountered in the building industry, such as cladding, PVC, painted surfaces, aluminum, zinc, etc. Acid- and chlorine-free, this universal cleaner is recommended for PVC. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, it's ideal for washing walls before repainting.

Our exterior cleaning products

Entretenir l’extérieur d’une maison ou d’un bâtiment en général est essentiel pour préserver l’aspect des revêtements. En effet la façade, la toiture ou encore la terrasse, sont soumis à divers éléments tels que l’eau, l’humidité, les variations de température, les salissures, les dépôts verts, les lichens, les mousses, les taches, etc. Il est donc primordial d’entretenir régulièrement les surfaces extérieures pour maintenir une maison propre et belle. Nous avons développé une gamme professionnelle de produits nettoyants adaptés à toutes les surfaces et types de salissures.

Which product to clean a facade ?

La façade se recouvre de différentes traces (noires, rouges, vertes) et de taches dû à la pollution d’origine atmosphérique, aux variations de température ou encore aux changements climatiques. Il devient donc essentiel de procéder à un nettoyage régulier de sa façade. Pour nettoyer les façades des traces noires ou rouges, notre produit SCALP RENOV’EXPRESS is ideal. It acts within 15 minutes and can be applied to a wide range of surfaces (stone, brick, cement, concrete, slate, etc.).

What cleaner to clean a stone or brick facade ?

Stone and brick are fragile materials that require special cleaning. We have therefore developed products suitable for stone en brick ensuring they respect these fragile materials. After cleaning, it is recommended to protect your surfaces with a water repellent to waterproof them. water repellent to waterproof them.

How to clean your facade ?

Before starting to clean your facade, it is recommended to protect nearby plants and sensitive surfaces. All our cleaning products are easy to use. They are ready to use and can be sprayed. Depending on the origin of the dirt and the support, you will need to choose a suitable cleaner to perfectly address the problem.

Our universal cleaning products

Universal cleaners, such as SCALP AQUA 03, sont formulés pour être utilisé sur une large variété de supports tels que les sols, les murs, les carrelages et autres supports rencontrés dans le bâtiment. Que ce soit du PVC, du métal, du bois, du verre, du marbre ou encore de l’aluminium, nos nettoyants s’adaptent. Nos détergents universels sont simples d’utilisation. Ils s’utilisent purs ou dilués selon l’encrassement et la nature du support, vous offrant ainsi une flexibilité selon vos besoins. Ces produits sont élaborés de sorte à éliminer efficacement les graisses, huiles et autres résidus tenaces. See our products in action :

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