Range Additive - Activator

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  • Additive - Activator
    SCALPIK L12S stripping-bath additive

    ACTIVATEUR SCALPIK L12S is an additive activator for the SCALPIK L12S stripping bath. Chlorinated strippers evaporate when in use. This evaporation may be due to several factors like usage frequency, the surface of the bath coming into contact with air and the bath temperature. These factors therefore contribute to a decrease in the stripping power of the bath.

    ACTIVATEUR SCALPIK L 12 S is specially designed to remedy this problem. ACTIVATEUR SCALPIK L 12 S does not have a cleaning power all by itself but must always be added to the bath of SCALPIK L 12 S as soon as the reduction of the cleaning power of the latter is observed.

  • Additive - Activator
    Stripping-bath additive

    ADDITIF STRIPAC BASE ECO is a concentrated alkaline accelerator. It strips paints by immersion and forms part of the STRIPAC method. This is a concentrated alkaline accelerator that must added to the stripping bath, making it possible to strip a large number of paints (epoxy-polyester, glycerophtalic, vinyl and acrylic paint, stains, varnishes, primers etc.). This additive dissolves the resins and denatures the mineral pigments found in paint. The STRIPAC paint film is removed by simply rinsing with water, immersion, or better at high pressure. This composition is without attack on substrates such as steel or wood.

Qu’est ce qu’un additif/activateur pour bain de décapage ?

Additives and activators are chemical solutions added to a stripping bath. These substances enhance the performance of the stripping bath in terms of wetting, dispersion, and removal of coatings. This type of product facilitates the penetration of the stripping agent into the material being treated. Additives and activators play an essential role in optimizing the performance of the stripping bath. They improve the cleaning and stripping action of the baths and also ensure thorough treatment of the parts.

Why use an additive product in a stripping bath?

Using additieve producten in a stripping bath has several advantages. Firstly, this type of product improves the overall performance of the stripping process. By increasing the bath's ability to remove unwanted coatings, additives contribute to enhanced efficiency. Additionally, additives can play a role in protecting metal parts by acting as anti-corrosion agents. They preserve the structure of the parts and thus extend their lifespan. Moreover, these products can also reduce potential damage caused by stripping. They help control the pH or temperature of the bath, thereby limiting part distortion.

Why use an activator product in a stripping bath?

Using activator products in a stripping bath offers several advantages. Firstly, they accelerate the stripping process by stimulating the chemical reaction between the stripping bath and the parts to be treated. This reduces the time required to remove unwanted coatings. Additionally, adding an activator product to the bath improves the overall efficiency of the stripping process.

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