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Find all SCALP products for the building, industry and transport sectors.

Our products are formulated, developed and manufactured according to precise and strict specifications in order to always offer you the best, whether in terms of efficiency or reliability. Our products meet the needs of professionals in the construction, industry and transport sectors thanks to our complete ranges.

  • Wheel-rims
    Wheel-rim cleaner and degreaser

    SCALP RENOV'JANTE EVOLUTION is a professional, concentrated, acid- and solvent-free cleaner and degreaser for wheel rims. It removes all traces of dirt, like brake dust or road film, from the wheel rims of vehicles. This wheel-rim restorer is suitable for all types of wheel-rim finishes and harmless to chrome and aluminium. SCALP RENOV'JANTE EVOLUTION is a professional cleaner and degreaser, designed to remove all dirt and restore different types of wheel rims to their original shine.

  • Wheel-rims
    Professional wheel-rim cleaner

    SCALP RENOV'JANTE is a professional wheel-rim cleaner. It removes all traces of dirt, like brake dust or road film. This wheel-rim restorer is suitable for all types of wheel-rim finishes and harmless to chrome and aluminium. SCALP RIM'RENOV is a professional cleaner, formulated to remove all dirt and restore different types of wheel rims to their original shine.

  • Brakes
    Cleaner and grease remover for brakes

    SCALP BRAKE CLEANER is a cleaner and degreaser for automotive brakes. It works immediately and dries quickly. When used regularly, SCALP BRAKE CLEANER helps increase the lifespan of brake discs and pads. This professional cleaner for automotive brakes, removes dirt and grime that could prevent brake pads and discs, or even the whole braking system, from working properly. This product is essential for regular cleaning.

  • Auto-bodies
    Liquid stripper for vehicle bodies

    SCALPIK NC 17 is a liquid stripper that is specifically designed for automotive stripping, as well as cleaning paint guns. This super liquid stripper for vehicle bodies helps to quickly and effectively remove all types of paint and varnish.

    SCALPIK NC 17 also helps deep-clean paint guns when these get extremely dirty.

  • Auto-bodies
    Gel stripper for vehicle bodies

    SCALPEX NC 17 is a methylene-chloride-free gel stripper, suitable for vertical surfaces like those of vehicle bodies. Its gel formula helps quickly and effectively dissolve the coats found on vehicle bodies. It is the ideal product for restoring vehicle bodies. It works on all types of paint like lacquers or varnishes.


  • Auto-bodies
    Auto shampoo

    SUPRA CARROSSERIE is ideal for washing vehicle bodies. It has no mechanical action and is therefore recommended for car-wash arches. This concentrated auto-body shampoo removes road film, insect marks and other dirt.

    Thanks to its powerful cleaning action and high concentration of surfactants, SCALP SUPRA CARROSSERIE helps bring shine to surfaces.

  • Auto-bodies
    Vehicle-body shampoo

    SCALP NETTOYANT AUTO is a concentrated cleaner and degreaser for motor-vehicle bodies. This professional shampoo helps give shine to surfaces, thanks to its highly-concentrated active foam. It quickly and effectively removes road film found on auto bodies, as well as other dirt like grease, oil, dirty oil and grease, mud, insects etc. SCALP NETTOYANT AUTO cleans all types of auto bodies, even the dirtiest.


  • Auto-bodies
    Drying fluid for automobiles

    SCALP AUT-SÉCHANT CONCENTRÉ is a drying liquid for motor-vehicle bodies. It is used after cleaning and rinsing auto bodies. This professional product helps give the vehicle a clean, streak-free and shiny appearance. This aid speeds up drying and eliminates any water marks once the motor vehicles have been washed. The film of water found on the vehicle retracts evenly, helping it dry completely and without any streaks.



  • Auto-bodies
    Auto drying aid for vehicle bodies

    SCALP AUTO SÉCHANT is a drying liquid for motor-vehicle bodies. It can be used straight after the washing and rinsing of motor vehicles.

    This auto-drying product gives a shiny finish to auto bodies and more importantly, leaves no marks.

    SCALP AUTO SÉCHANT speeds up the drying process of motor-vehicle bodies and helps remove water marks after washing. This drying liquid leaves an anti-static film on motor-vehicle bodies.

  • Auto-bodies
    Bodywork cleaner for cars and motorcycles

    NETTOYANT CARROSSERIE 92 is a concentrated cleaner for motor-vehicle bodies. This product is both a cleaner and degreaser, removing grease, oil, insect, dust and soot marks, as well as road film from motor-vehicle bodies. It is suitable for car-wash arches and has a powerful anti-static action that limits dust, and other types of dirt, from settling on auto bodies.

    With its concentration of active ingredients, this motor-vehicle cleaner and degreaser effectively cleans and will not damage bars, chrome, aluminium strips, joints etc.

  • Auto-bodies
    Motor-vehicle degreasing cleaner

    NETTOYANT CARROSSERIE 91 is a professional degreasing cleaner for motor-vehicle bodies. Recommended for use in car-wash arches, this motor-vehicle shampoo easily removes static film, as well as dirt that sticks to vehicle bodies, like dust, insects, grease etc. After being washed with NETTOYANT CARROSSERIE 91, motor-vehicle bodies get their original shine back.


  • Auto-bodies
    Auto-body shampoo

    NETTOYANT CARROSSERIE 72, auto-body shampoo, is a concentrated cleaner recommended for car washes. It effectively and quickly cleans and degreases motor vehicles. This degreasing cleaner helps remove grease, fuel residue, dust, insects and other marks that could be found on auto bodies.

    Thanks to its concentrated formula, this professional shampoo removes road film and limits dust deposits, due to its powerful anti-static action.

Chez SCALP SAS, nous mettons à votre disposition une gamme complète de produits spécialement conçus pour répondre à tous vos aux besoins. Que vous soyez un professionnel du bâtiment cherchant des solutions de nettoyage et d’entretien, une entreprise industrielle ayant besoin de produits chimiques de haute qualité, ou une entreprise de transport en quête de solutions de maintenance, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut. Nos produits sont le fruit d’une recherche approfondie et d’un développement attentif. Chaque produit est formulé avec précision et fabriqué selon des normes strictes. Tout cela pour garantir une performance optimale. Notre engagement envers l’innovation et l’amélioration continue nous permet de vous offrir le meilleur en termes d’efficacité et de fiabilité. Qu’il s’agisse de nettoyants, de décapants, d’hydrofuges, d’anti-graffitis, de dégraissants ou d’autres solutions chimiques, nos gammes complètes répondent à tous vos besoins spécifiques. En effet, nous comprenons l’importance d’avoir les bons produits pour mener à bien vos projets. Nos produits sont conçus pour vous offrir des résultats exceptionnels. Que vous soyez un artisan, un entrepreneur, un industriel ou un responsable de la maintenance dans le secteur du transport, vous trouverez chez SCALP SAS les produits adaptés à vos exigences. Grâce à notre gamme complète de produits, nous sommes fiers de contribuer à la réussite de vos projets et à la préservation de vos équipements et infrastructures. Faites confiance à SCALP SAS pour vous fournir des solutions chimiques de haute qualité, répondant aux normes les plus élevées de l’industrie, et contribuant ainsi à la croissance et au succès de votre activité.

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