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Find all SCALP products for the building, industry and transport sectors.

Our products are formulated, developed and manufactured according to precise and strict specifications in order to always offer you the best, whether in terms of efficiency or reliability. Our products meet the needs of professionals in the construction, industry and transport sectors thanks to our complete ranges.

  • Anti-graffiti
    Graffiti remover for sensitive surfaces

    Protect delicate surfaces against graffiti with SCALP ANTI-GRAFFITI 49, an anti-graffiti cleaner and remover. This gel cleaner effectively removes all types of graffiti from surfaces protected with VERNAEAU PU 16 permanent protection, as well as from delicate surfaces.
    This anti-graffiti cleaner is ideal for cleaning vertical, sensitive, non-porous surfaces such as wood, bodywork, road signs and so on. Thanks to its high concentration of active ingredients, it can be applied both indoors and outdoors, offering a complete solution for cleaning all types of graffiti.

  • Anti-graffiti
    Cleaning wipes specially for graffiti

    WIPES EXPRESS 70, anti-graffiti cleaning wipes, immediately remove graffiti from smooth, non-porous surfaces. WIPES EXPRESS 70, waterless, soap-free, graffiti-removing wipes, are impregnated with a powerful cleaning formula that removes paint, ink and even permanent marker. This is an instantaneous and unique cleaning system, that helps remove tags and paints from walls, road signs, billboards, cupboards, trains etc.

    These anti-graffiti cleaning wipes wipe away ink and even permanent marker. With just a light rub, a simple anti-graffiti wipe will quickly remove unwanted paints and graffiti.

  • Consolidating / Anti-saltpetre
    Primer for friable substrates

    SCALP PRIMAFIX is a primer that hardens the surface of the substrate and regulates its absorbency. It can be applied to soft, powdery and crumbly substrates prior to painting, tiling, wallpapering, etc.
    Using this primer before laying base coat, concrete, mineral, plaster or cement-based screeds, etc. reduces the risk of cracking. What's more, it's perfectly suited to interior use, adapting harmoniously to all brands of plaster. SCALP PRIMAFIX guarantees the adhesion of coatings.

  • Consolidating / Anti-saltpetre
    Mineralizing and consolidating agent in water base

    SCALP MINERALISANT 95 is a mineralizing product for natural stone. It provides in-depth consolidation of mineral facades, floors and walls (natural stone, limestone, bricks, concrete, etc.). This professional mineralizer acts effectively against humidity and atmospheric pollution. These two factors degrade and weaken these supports, so it's essential to consolidate them. SCALP MINERALIZER 95 is ideal for use on historic monuments, facades, floors made of untreated materials, etc.

  • Consolidating / Anti-saltpetre
    Consolidating, mineralizing and waterproofing

    SCALP CONSOLIDANT HYDROFUGE, mineraliser, strengthener and waterproofer, effectively hardens, solidifies and protects against water ingress in a single operation. This strengthener is applied to substrates like natural stone, limestone and siliceous stone, brick, concrete and mineral coatings.

    It prevents damp and air pollution from damaging walls, façades and floors and causing their natural bond to break down. This mineraliser, strengthener and waterproofer is recommended for façades, floors, historic monuments and damaged, untreated materials etc.

  • Consolidating / Anti-saltpetre
    Anti-saltpetre treatment by impregnation

    SCALP NDS 72 is an anti-saltpetre impregnation treatment that helps completely remove white salts from all surfaces. This product is also designed for neutralising surfaces that have been cleaned or stripped using alkaline products. This anti-saltpetre treatment has a curative effect that does not stain or cause frostiness on glass. SCALP NDS 72 is ideal for the finish of walls, foundations and façades that have become stained by salts or other efflorescences.

  • Consolidating / Anti-saltpetre
    Film-forming protection against saltpetre

    SCALP ANTI-SALPÊTRE est une protection anti-salpêtre qui empêche le salpêtre de se former sur les murs en plâtre, béton ou ciment. Ce traitement préventif s’applique sur un support sain avant la mise en peinture, la pose de papier peint ou autres revêtements muraux. SCALP ANTI-SALPÊTRE se diffuse, détruit les bactéries nitrifiantes à l’origine du salpêtre tout en durcissant et consolidant le support. La finition filmogène transparente de cette protection anti-salpêtre lui permet de ne pas être recouvert si tel est le choix de la personne en charge de la décoration.



  • Complementary Product
    Powerful wallpaper remover

    SCALP DECOL'PAPIER effectively removes all types of wallpaper (thick, expanded, washable, vinyl, standard), as well as posters and billboards. It also easily dissolves adhesive residues on walls. SCALP DECOL'PAPIER is more economical and less time-consuming than wallpaper strippers, making it ideal for large indoor and outdoor surfaces.

  • Complementary Product
    Carpet adhesive remover

    SCALP DECOL'MOQUETTE removes, strips and dissolves all types of carpet and wallcovering adhesives. A no-rinse product, this carpet stripper quickly and effectively removes glue from bonded floor coverings (carpets, rugs, felt, plant fibers, wall fabrics, etc.).

  • Complementary Product
    Wood degreaser

    NEUTRAL DA 66 is THE product for reviving the beauty of wood that has lost its lustre over time and through weathering. This impregnating solution has a degreasing, neutralizing and brightening action, restoring the wood's original color without the need for sanding. NEUTRAL DA 66 makes wood renovation child's play.

    Whether siding, partitions, shutters, doors, garden furniture or any other type of wood, NEUTRAL DA 66 is the ideal solution for restoring the natural appearance of these surfaces.

    This wood degreaser simplifies the wood renovation process. No need to resort to tedious methods, NEUTRAL DA 66 offers a real alternative with real results. Give new life to your joinery, furniture and other wooden items with this wood degreaser.

  • Complementary Product
    Universal gap filler

    SCALP MULTI'RESTOR is a filler for filling holes and cracks on various wood, iron and plastic substrates. It is also used to repair wood damaged by natural ageing (fills deep cracks). Suitable for interior and exterior use, this filler is available in 3 shades (white, dark oak and pine) to match your substrate. This two-component, polyester resin-based renovation coating can be repainted after drying, if required.

  • Engines and spare partsComplementary Product
    Biodegradable multi-purpose degreaser

    DEGRIP'EXPRESS, biodegradable, multi-purpose penetrating oil, releases, lubricates, degreases, emulsifies and dispels damp, thanks to its two-position straw. Compatible with all materials, it dispels damp after application, and forms a water-resistant protection. Thanks to its 100% natural composition, it does not attract dust or other dirt after application. This multi-purpose penetrating oil forms a barrier against damp and water and their corrosive impact. DEGRIP'EXPRESS thus protects from oxidation and all forms of corrosion, even in the most extreme conditions.

Chez SCALP SAS, nous mettons à votre disposition une gamme complète de produits spécialement conçus pour répondre à tous vos aux besoins. Que vous soyez un professionnel du bâtiment cherchant des solutions de nettoyage et d’entretien, une entreprise industrielle ayant besoin de produits chimiques de haute qualité, ou une entreprise de transport en quête de solutions de maintenance, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut. Nos produits sont le fruit d’une recherche approfondie et d’un développement attentif. Chaque produit est formulé avec précision et fabriqué selon des normes strictes. Tout cela pour garantir une performance optimale. Notre engagement envers l’innovation et l’amélioration continue nous permet de vous offrir le meilleur en termes d’efficacité et de fiabilité. Qu’il s’agisse de nettoyants, de décapants, d’hydrofuges, d’anti-graffitis, de dégraissants ou d’autres solutions chimiques, nos gammes complètes répondent à tous vos besoins spécifiques. En effet, nous comprenons l’importance d’avoir les bons produits pour mener à bien vos projets. Nos produits sont conçus pour vous offrir des résultats exceptionnels. Que vous soyez un artisan, un entrepreneur, un industriel ou un responsable de la maintenance dans le secteur du transport, vous trouverez chez SCALP SAS les produits adaptés à vos exigences. Grâce à notre gamme complète de produits, nous sommes fiers de contribuer à la réussite de vos projets et à la préservation de vos équipements et infrastructures. Faites confiance à SCALP SAS pour vous fournir des solutions chimiques de haute qualité, répondant aux normes les plus élevées de l’industrie, et contribuant ainsi à la croissance et au succès de votre activité.

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