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Find all SCALP products for the building, industry and transport sectors.

Our products are formulated, developed and manufactured according to precise and strict specifications in order to always offer you the best, whether in terms of efficiency or reliability. Our products meet the needs of professionals in the construction, industry and transport sectors thanks to our complete ranges.

  • Passivator
    Basic immersion neutraliser

    SCALP NEUTRALISANT BASIQUE is a basic liquid immersion neutraliser. It is used after stripping or degreasing in preparation for enamelling. This basic immersion neutraliser is used to neutralise acid-stripper marks on parts that have been stripped in a stripping bath. SCALP NEUTRALISANT BASIQUE, basic immersion neutraliser, is used in a stripping bath and must be 2-5% diluted before use.

  • Passivator
    Neutralizing, lightening and oxidizing acid

    ACIDE OXALYQUE is a neutraliser, lightener and acid oxidising agent that works by immersion and is used after basic immersion stripping. This neutraliser helps lighten wood after a stripping bath. In order for it to be ready to use, the product must be 10-20% diluted with water and mixed.

  • Passivator
    Immersion acid neutraliser

    SCALP NEUTRALISANT ACIDE is a new neutralization product after pickling or degreasing on the enamel preparation lines. It can also be used for the neutralization of traces of alkaline strippers, soda or potash.

    SCALP NEUTRALISANT ACIDE, must be diluted before use. This product makes it possible to sequester divalent and tetravalent iron.

  • Additive - Activator
    SCALPIK L12S stripping-bath additive

    ACTIVATEUR SCALPIK L12S is an additive activator for the SCALPIK L12S stripping bath. Chlorinated strippers evaporate when in use. This evaporation may be due to several factors like usage frequency, the surface of the bath coming into contact with air and the bath temperature. These factors therefore contribute to a decrease in the stripping power of the bath.

    ACTIVATEUR SCALPIK L 12 S is specially designed to remedy this problem. ACTIVATEUR SCALPIK L 12 S does not have a cleaning power all by itself but must always be added to the bath of SCALPIK L 12 S as soon as the reduction of the cleaning power of the latter is observed.

  • Additive - Activator
    Stripping-bath additive

    ADDITIF STRIPAC BASE ECO is a concentrated alkaline accelerator. It strips paints by immersion and forms part of the STRIPAC method. This is a concentrated alkaline accelerator that must added to the stripping bath, making it possible to strip a large number of paints (epoxy-polyester, glycerophtalic, vinyl and acrylic paint, stains, varnishes, primers etc.). This additive dissolves the resins and denatures the mineral pigments found in paint. The STRIPAC paint film is removed by simply rinsing with water, immersion, or better at high pressure. This composition is without attack on substrates such as steel or wood.

  • Heat stripping
    Hot, immersion alkaline stripper

    HYPRASTRIP B 604 is an immersion paint stripper for ferrous metals. This alkaline stripper is used as a hot-bath immersion. It must not be used on light alloys made of aluminium, zinc and copper, as this is a highly-alkaline immersion stripper. It is specifically recommended for difficult cases where thick or very resistant paints must be stripped.

  • Heat stripping
    Immersion degreaser and stripper

    SCALPEX A1 is a hot, immersion, engine paint-stripper and descaler for steel and cast-iron. This hot-bath stripper is used for descaling and stripping paints, as well as removing metal oxide on steel and cast iron. This immersion, degreasing descaler and stripper, does not harm heat-resistant steels and cast iron. SCALPEX A1, immersion stripper, attacks aluminium, copper and zinc alloys.

  • Heat stripping
    Immersion stripper for unbaked paints

    DECAPEINT is a wood and metal immersion stripper for unbaked paints. This hot-bath stripper has a so-called “destructive” formula, composed of sodium hydroxide, alkaline salts and surfactants. It strips paints (glycerophtalic, vinyl and acrylic paint, primers) from wood and ferrous-metal substrates. This immersion stripper for unbaked paints must be diluted with water and used as a bath heated at between 20 and 40 °C.


  • Heat stripping
    Hot-bath immersion stripper

    SCALPIK L 400 is a hot-bath, immersion, liquid stripper. It removes epoxy, polyester, acrylic, vinyl and E-coat paints, certain varnishes, as well as all unbaked paints found on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This innovative product is chlorinated-solvent-free and is the ideal substitute for methylene-chloride-based liquid strippers.

  • Heat stripping
    Hot-bath stripper for all substrates

    SCALPIK DP 283 NG is a hot-bath paint stripper for all substrates. It is composed of biodegradable, low-volatility solvents. This hot-bath stripper for all substrates works on a large number of paints (epoxy, epoxy-polyester, polyester, glycerophtalic, electrophoretic silicone, vinyl, acrylic paint etc.). This immersion stripper dissolves the resins and disperses the pigments found in paint. The film of paint that has been broken down by SCALPIK DP 283 NG is removed by rinsing with pressurised water. This composition does not attack such supports as steel and aluminium.

  • Cold stripping
    Alkaline stripping solution for woods and metals

    SCALP DMC 74 LIQUIDE is an alkaline stripping solution for wood and metals. This immersion stripper is designed for cleaning and stripping wood and metals. This product is ready to use but may be diluted to a 50% concentration in certain cases. This alkaline stripper for wood and metals is used as a bath, in stainless-steel and composite-material tanks suited to basic solutions. SCALP DMC 74 LIQUID can also be used as an additive with a high-pressure washer.

  • Cold stripping
    Liquid stripper for all paints

    SCALPIK L 300 is free of methylene chloride, and designed to remove all types of paints (powder coatings, epoxy and polyester paints etc.), as well as varnishes, from various surfaces (steel, aluminium etc.). This product is specifically recommended for the stripping of successive layers of incorrect paint.


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