Hydrofuge terrasses sols et béton


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Hydrofuge terrasses sols et béton

SCALP ANTI-TACHES 07 is a transparent water repellent ideal for terraces and porous floors. This colorless, non-film-forming impregnating product is specially designed to prevent the penetration of liquids such as water, wine, coffee, tannin, oil, grease and more, on a variety of porous surfaces. SCALP ANTI TACHES 07 offers optimum protection for porous terraces and floors.
This EXCELL ZONE VERTE water repellent is ideal for protecting porous materials such as stone, marble, sandstone, granite, interlocking paving stones, terracotta and even wood. Whether for new construction, renovation or after cleaning, this water repellent provides long-lasting protection for sidewalks, pedestrian areas, terraces, pool decks, stairs and much more.

Excell zone verte : La qualité de l’air intérieur des bâtiments est liée à la ventilation du lieu mais aussi au matériau constituant de la pièce. Excell Zone Verte représente un niveau d’exigence supérieur par rapport au législation en vigueur.
Water-repellent / Oil-repellent

Complementary products

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Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
Anti-stain water repellent, wet effect

SCALP ANTI-TACHES EM, your solution for lasting protection of porous surfaces (roofs, floors and terraces). This water- and oil-repellent product gives your coatings a “wet” effect, while providing optimum protection against water, stains and humidity.

Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
Photocatalytic self-cleaning product

SCALP SOLAR ACTIV is a multi-functional, self-cleaning stain. It's a natural solution that simplifies surface maintenance and provides long-lasting protection against dirt and micro-organisms. This photocatalytic product saves water and provides long-lasting protection for facades, roofs, walls and outdoor floors.

Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
Ready-to-use coloured water repellent

SCALP HYDROCOLOR PAE is a ready-to-use colored water repellent. This innovative product renovates and protects roofs and facades. It can be used to waterproof, protect and renovate roofs and facades by coloring them. Water-repellent, it protects treated surfaces from water infiltration and staining, and prevents urban soiling, micro-organism formation and freeze/thaw disintegration. SCALP HYDROCOLOR PAE impregnates and tints the surface, while maintaining its mineral appearance. It has been specially designed for application on concrete, hydraulic plaster, mineral plaster, stone, brick, all types of tile, slate, etc.

Available in 4 shades "ARDOISE, GRIS ANTHRACITE, TERRE DE SIENNE, ROUGE BRIQUE", SCALP HYDROCOLOR PAE is a versatile, high-end product.

Water-repellent / Oil-repellent
Colorless stain for concrete

SCALP ACRYL BETON effectively protects new and old concrete against water and oil infiltration, stains and dirt. This non-film-forming product offers long-lasting protection against the causes of deterioration such as stains and dirt of all kinds, atmospheric pollution, seepage, grease, etc. This colorless concrete stain ensures cleanliness of treated surfaces.


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